We have a growing library of relevant documents from government briefings to NGO papers. View Library docs here.
Here are links to national organisations which are working on land, food and biodiversity. Please suggest sites and resources that we can link to: hello[at]landwisenetwork.org.
- A people’s food policy
- Climate change impacts in Europe
- Committee on climate change
- Feedback Global Food Waste, Food Citizenship, Gleaning Network
- Food Ethics Council Community Resilience, food citizenship
- Food Matters Establishing healthy, sustainable, fair food through strategic work on food: participation, collaboration and innovation
- Food, Farming and Countryside Commission Food, Farming and countryside commission
- Permaculture Association
- Royal Horticulture Society
- Soil Association Campaigning for healthy, humane and sustainable food, farming and land use.
- Sustain Advocating food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals
- Sustainable Food Places Network Shares challenges, explores practical solutions and develops best practice on key food issues.
- Sustainable Food Trust Founded by Patrick Holden, focussed on sustainable farming systems.
- The National Food Strategy
- The State of Hunger report Trussel Trust report on food poverty